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Lessons at TrueJob

My entire purpose during the course of these internships is to learn as much as I can. This includes developing professional skills, technical skills and aspects of my field that I both enjoy or dislike.  I have been learning several lessons these past few weeks. 

With TrueJob I have been composing blog posts about starting a job board.  The largest thing I have struggled with so far has been writing with a specific target reader in mind.  I have been catching myself writing to what seems to be people who already have job boards when I should be trying to reach people who do not have one started yet and are looking to do so.  Once I realized that I need to bear the specific reader in mind my posts became much more targeted. 

I have also been assigned a task of designing some social "proofs" to go into their website.  The purpose of these is to show off some of the larger clients who use job boards powered by TrueJob.  I have been creating these with Photoshop.  For the most part I have been deciding which logos to use and what would look best in which configuration.  Also, I have been sifting through reviews posted by clients and studies to pull out appropriate quotes which show their satisfaction with the TrueJob product.

All in all, TrueJob has been keeping me busy and I find myself learning new things every day.


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