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About me

Hey guys, I am starting this blog to discuss and document my experiences, both educational and otherwise as I move from student to young professional.

At the moment, I am a Marketing student at Eastern Michigan University and am about to enter my senior year.  I have taken the summer semester off so that I can focus on my two internships:

  • One of which involves working with EMU's chapter of the Student Veterans of America (SVA).  I am helping to manage their social media accounts and I assist them with any marketing matters (advertising events, creating t shirts, etc.).
  • The second is with an organization called Ann Arbor Spark.  Their focus involves providing resources to tech startups in the area.  With them I have been assigned to a startup who creates job boards for different Economy Development Organizations (EDOs) and is called True Job. 
I find my position within the SVA to be very interesting as I have a large amount of autonomy and I can really see my work showing signs of success especially when it comes to getting more individuals attending events / meetings. 

I have just started working with True Job yesterday and am very curious to see what tasking they have for me and am excited to work on a startup like this where I will see many sides of the business.


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